Friday, January 22, 2010

Seminary of Affliction

Well... I'm back at school.
more thoughts on that later...

Getting my wisdom teeth out sunk me for about a week because the medicine made me pretty sick.

Right now I have an awesome migraine and really want a toradol shot in my butt. i am resisting.

There isn't too much to report, I suppose. Trying to sleep... Trying to eat... i'd give myself about a B where those are concerned... which is... okay.

My knees ache. and my hips. and my back. i get up in the morning and think... there is no way I am 18. There is just no way. I am rapidly aging or something (not in a creepy Benjamin Button sort of way but in a sadder degenerative way).

I detest the cold. it makes everything hurt worse.

I can't take a shower anymore without nearly fainting.

I think I'm a little depressed today.

I look back and realize just how strong I am. I look at myself now and think... How am i possibly doing this? and then I remember...
I have a very mighty God.
What I am doing is superhuman. literally. Everyday is a miracle. and i don't mean that in a... water froze into ice... what a beautiful miracle... no. I mean it as a truly amazing accomplishment that at the end of every day I am alive and am a full time college student and am dealing with a whole lot of other crap pretty amazingly.

I'm a little less depressed now, I suppose.

Every day is a struggle. But that means every day has the potential to be a victory, as well.


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